Healing River Massage and Wellness


Reduce Tension and Headaches


Champissage "Indian Head" Massage


Rejuvinating, Reduces Tension and Headaches



Indian Head Massage is an ancient Ayurveda treatment for modern day issues. This therapy balances the 3 doshas inducing a sence of calm relaxation and rejuvination.

Key Benifits

Relaxes tight uncomforatable muscles. Eases stiffness and chronic tightness in the upper back, shoulders, arms, neck and head.

Stimulates the lymphatic system and improves blood circulation. Reduces headaches and helps to disipate mental tiredness, stress and depression resulting in greater mental alertness, concentration and clearer thinking.


Treatment 30 Minutes

You will remain fully clothed and seated in a comforatable chair for the treatment. Please wear or bring with you a comforatable cotton t-shirt with no collar. 

Conditioning hair oil can be massaged in and is completely optional at your request for an additional charge.


This is not suitable if you are currently undergoing certain medical treatments, suffering from an injury to the upper body or have had a recent serious whiplash injury. If you have questions about if this is right for you or a  medical condition you may have please call and we will get back to you as soon as we can.


email:  info@sagewellnessstettler.ca

Click Here To Book on Line with Felicity